The Bliss of Ignorance

Syeda Rabia Batool Naqvi
3 min readJul 5, 2021


Ah…Life does suck sometimes! So do some people. Life, as it is, a mere assortment of events, occurrences, virtues, memories, and people. And these people are diversified, each one with his/her own traits, own habits, and own preferences. And this diversity is what makes life beautiful. All people are having their own tales with one sentiment taking complete control over their tales, either heroic, romantic, sad, happy, memorial, or awful. And the tales of those people, associated with us, compose our tale, make our story.

We might assert that some people are good and some are bad….But I believe that people are not good or bad as a whole….In fact, they are either good TO US or bad TO US…And as soon as we accept this reality…we will accept to choose those which are good to us and ignore those who are bad to us…THE SIMPLE NOTION OF LIFE…

I have spent 20 years on this planet, and though I am not as experienced in this life as many of my Earthier comrades will be…But there’s one power in me, that’s my leverage “The Bliss of Ignorance”…Ignorance, as I may describe, is the art that we all need to learn, to let go of things, that really do not matter, and to not waste our time on things, people, habits that are unnecessary. Because the things that aren’t important to us in any way, but we keep on thinking about them, are detrimental to us, our self-esteem, our self-confidence, and us.

A friend of mine called me yesterday…She was really upset about the behavior of her roommates, who have been commenting on how much she sleeps, how little she is determined, and how miserable her lifestyle was…and she had been taking so much of these comments on her, that she had been crying throughout the conversation, saying again and again, that nothing was left in her life, and she was of no purpose…Until I told her of the magical wand of ignorance, and she was laughing at the end of it…

And I told her how much important she is to me….How much critical she is to this world, and how the comments of some people are bothering her so much that has shaded over the brighter sides of her life….Why was she taking so much of comments of mere people, who were just bypassers, testing her power of ignorance, and she had to stand and compete, by simply not responding to them….Why did they matter so much, if they say that she slept so much…so I do say “dear, you sleep too much”…Did it bother….Just admit I sleep too much…then what?… And every pessimism will fade…None of their comments matter anymore…because the only thing that matters is self-development….

Ah, it was a long speech to convince her, and I gave her spectacles of optimism while she promised me she will not bother their comments anymore…And she will enjoy to her fullest, rather than spending her time thinking about disgusting…and thinking about what good happened…and how it could have been enhanced?

Do you bother comments of anyone?

No….You dare not to…because you are my reader and I want you to enjoy the bits, you have…the joyous moments you have, because you never know what is ahead for you!

“Life is not small, people start living late, and when they start living, the time of departure arrives” (Irfan Khan)



Syeda Rabia Batool Naqvi

Ultimately, all we have is, a deteriorated brain with fresh memories, all jotted down on a rugged page…